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How to Transfer an Individual from a Bed to Wheelchair

Nov 03, 2017

1. Explain to the individual that you will be assisting them into the wheelchair.

2. Position the wheelchair next to the bed facing the foot of the bed. Bring the chair as close as possible to reduce the distance of the transfer. Make sure to lock the brakes on the wheelchair and fold the foot rests up, as soon as you position it near the bed.

3. If individual is lying down, place one arm under the shoulder of the individual and the other arm supporting their thigh on the opposite side (you are facing them when doing this.). Count to three and then carefully swing their legs over the side of the bed and assist him in lifting his trunk and shoulders until he is in a sitting position. Instruct him to scoot forward until his feet are firmly on the ground.

4. Allow the individual to sit a few minutes on the side of the bed. Place sturdy shoes on the individual while he is sitting on the edge of the bed.

5. Standing directly in front of the individual, place your arms around their chest (like a bear hug).

6. Encourage the individual to place one of their arms on your shoulder and the other one braced on the bed, to assist you in lifting them.

7. Widen the position of you feet. Place your right foot forward and next to the individual’s left foot (the side to where the little toe is). Your left foot should be placed back a ways for an easy transfer of your weight as you lift the individual.

8. Slightly bend your knees and lean your body. Then instruct the individual to get ready for a push from one arm that’s extended on the bed, as you lift him up to a standing position. Count to three as you assist him to standing position and he is pushing off from the bed at the same time.

9. Raise individual to standing position and keep your back straight as you do this move. Turn the individual so that his back is positioned in front of the wheelchair. Instruct him to grasp on the armrest for additional support, and then slowly assist him as he lowers himself on the seat of the chair. Remember to bend your knees, while keeping your back straight during the assist.

10. Be sure the individual is sitting all the way back in the wheelchair, with his back against the back of the seat.

11. Lower leg rests and footrests and assist the individual in placing his feet on the platforms.

12. Unlock wheelchair prior to moving the wheelchair.


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