User Benefits

User Benefits

User benefits

The outstanding benefits of using Bill-Ray Home Mobility's Friendly Beds and transfer bars affect patients and caregivers alike. Take advantage of these independence-enhancing and stress-relieving bed transfer systems and products in your home. 

Call us today at 920-257-4001 to learn about the difference home mobility devices can make for the frail and elderly as well as for people with conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, neuropathy, and others.

Who Benefits?

  • For a frail aging person- It is a great opportunity to build strength. Using the long trapeze bar to move even a few inches sideways requires a person to use major muscles like the arms, chest, stomach, legs etc. This method is an exercise in disguise! Using the trapeze and assist rails to roll over or change position involves muscle usage as well. Using the balance pole to stand up also requires muscle utilization and allows the person to stabilize themselves. Many can be on heavy medication and get lightheaded upon rising, in these cases the balance pole is a huge aid to help prevent crashes or injuries.
  • For Parkinson's / MS / MD / CP / Neuropathy- Due to the diminished trust in one’s muscles and perceptions, falls and injuries are quite likely. These people like to grab onto things that don’t move. This product is not just a simple improvement to the typical flimsy aids on the market. It is a heavy-duty integrated system of components designed to work together for strength and functionality. Use of the transfer bar can also be of great help for bed transfers.
  • For a stroke survivor- As long as a person has decent strength on one side, they can be very independent in the bed area. Using the trapeze, assist rails, and balance pole, a person can reposition themselves in bed, move sideways across a wide bed, get themselves sitting on the edge of the bed, and use the balance pole to stand, pivot, and put themselves in a wheelchair if needed- 100% independently. 
  • For arthritis- The presence of multiple assistive components to grasp, improves mobility and reduces the pain of bed transfers and repositioning.
  • For spinal cord injuries, post-polio syndrome, amputees, and wheelchair users- Optional transfer bars are designed for those with little or no leg strength. These parts allow a very simple transfer to the bed surface putting people within reach of other assistive items, and allows greater movement for positioning, changing clothes etc. A person can position the wheelchair between the mattress and the pole, grab the overhead bar (off-center) and swing the body onto the mattress. 
  • Other benefits- The ability to easily reposition oneself in bed keeps a person more comfortable and reduces the chance of bedsores being developed. The FB Model used on a traditional wide bed gives the person a choice and space to turn over, stretch out, or to remain sleeping with their spouse. For example, if someone has slept with their spouse for over 50 years, should they be forced to sleep alone in a narrow bed? Similarly, in assisted living, should a person wait for an attendant to help them out of bed to go to the restroom at night when they could safely do it themselves with this product?
  • Caregiver benefits- If the caregiver strains themselves, then independence may be lost for both people. Hired caregivers are under restrictions of how much weight they can handle and the bed area is the worst place to lift people. The #1 injury in extended care facilities is caregiver back injuries and this product should greatly reduce injuries to caregivers as well as residents.

For Rehab Therapist video offering greater details click here

Call Bill-Ray Home Mobility for a FREE Consultation


"You couldn't pay me enough money to ever give your product (Friendly Beds) back!" 

- Barbara

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